Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
At Nyewood we aim for all children to develop a love of reading; to do this we teach the skills of reading so that children can decode words, talk about texts and be inspired to read.
We use Little Wandle for the teaching of Early Reading in our school. Please see below an overview of this as well as a link to the website for more information.
Below are some links to some sites that will help you with different aspects of your reading:
BBC Nursery Rhymes and Songs
Nursery rhymes and songs are one the first and most important building blocks in our early reading skills. They help us to listen, hear and match sounds as well as create our own!
Phonics Play
This site has some great games and activities to help you practise your sounds, word reading and sentence building. It is lots of fun!
Jolly Learning
There are some great videos that can help you when you are practising your phonics at home with your grown-ups.
Phonics Bloom
Phonics Bloom has lots of fun games for each phase of phonics that we work on in school.
Book Trust
Here you will find some great recommendations for books you might enjoy reading. You can search by author, subjects or book type. They also have a great range of online storybooks too.
Oxford Owl
Oxford Owl has a super selection of eBooks, including tablet friendly books for the whole family to enjoy.
BBC Bitesize
This site will help you to develop your understanding of texts that you read – comprehension.