Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Religious Education
Our RE (Religious Education) lessons at Nyewood are learning about Christianity and the life and teachings of Jesus through stories from the Bible and learning about other faiths and celebrations, such as Judaism.
The first story we learn from the Bible is about Creation. This clip is useful to demonstrate the idea of God as the creator of everything. Which of these things made them feel happy, amazed, sad or worried. Why? If they had the power to create something, what would that be? Why?
Next, we learn about Noah’s Ark. Watch the clip with an adult and ask some questions about the story.
We are learning about other faiths in the world. We are learning about Judaism. Watch the clip and discuss what is the same and what is different from your home.
At Easter time we learn about the Easter Story.
Ask your child 'Why do Christians call such a sad day Good Friday?' This clip explains this question. How do you celebrate Easter?
At Christmas time we learn about the Christmas Story.
How do you celebrate Christmas with your family? Do you go to Church? Do you see your family? Draw what Christmas looks like for you.