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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Whole School Letters

Whole School Letters

  1. Headteacher End of Term Letter
  2. Football Letter Late In July 2024
  3. Leavers' Service Letter 2024
  4. Letter for school to send to their pupil's parents carers
  5. Clubs Letter Autumn September - December 2024
  6. Amazon Gift List Letter 2024
  7. Sports Day Update Letter June 2024
  8. Art Exhibition Letter
  9. SEND Wellbeing Family Sessions
  10. Forest School
  11. Letter to parents and carers - HAF
  12. Get into Teaching
  13. Staffing Update Letter June 2024
  14. HH Summer camp flyers
  15. HH Summer camp flyers-04
  16. Academisation Update Letter June 2024
  17. Parent Digital Safety Newsletter May 2024
  18. Beach Trip Letter to Parents
  19. Zoolab Letter June 2024
  20. Class Photo and Year 2 Leavers' Photos April 2024
  21. Break the Rules Day 2024
  22. All Stars A6 Postcard
  23. NSPCC Stay Safe Programme April 2024
  24. Sports Day Letter Infant and Junior
  25. Safety Webinar Letter to Parents 2024
  26. Dedicated Schools Team Parent Drop In Sessions
  27. My Sisters House Flyer
  28. Online Safety Newsletter April 2024
  29. Dates List Summer Term 2024
  30. Newsletter March 2024
  31. Clubs Letter Summer April - July
  32. PE and Woodland Letter to Parents/Carers Summer Term 2024
  33. Staffing Update Letter March 2024
  34. Bag 2 School March 2024
  35. Bonnet Parade Poster
  36. Dell Quay Easter Poster
  37. Southway - HAF Camp - Easter 24
  38. Southway - Active Camp - Easter 24
  39. Collection Form
  40. Easter Service Letter
  41. Chartwells Menu Starting 15th April 2024
  42. Pied Piper at Great Ballard
  43. Red Nose Day 2024
  44. Easter Fair Letter 2024
  45. Chorister Open Day Leaflet Chichester Cathedral
  46. Arena-Digi
  47. Governors Letter 2024
  48. Lock Down Drill Letter February 2024
  49. Sponsored Bounce Letter February 2024
  50. Sponsored Bounce Form February 2024.docx
  51. Easter Letter 2024
  52. World Book Day Letter March 2024
  53. Safer Internet Day Jan 2024
  54. Great Tommy Sleep Out - Wear Your Pyjamas to School poster
  55. Staffing Update Letter January 2024
  56. Mathematics and Reading Morning Update Letter January 2024
  57. Chartwells Newsletter January Newsletter
  58. Newsletter December 2023
  59. Dates List Spring Term 2024
  60. Census Day Jan 2024
  61. Nut Allergy Letter 12th December 23
  62. Financial Support Letter
  63. Free School Meal Application Process for Parents
  64. Carol Concert Arundel Flyer
  65. Christine Chambers Accompanying Form
  66. Christine Chambers letter 090124
  67. Clubs Letter November 2023
  68. HAF Christmas Holiday Sessions Poster 2023
  69. Arena Christmas Holiday Camps
  70. Attendance Information Letter Nov 23
  71. Christmas at Nyewood 2023
  72. Theme Day West Sussex - Merry Christmas December 2023
  73. Children in Need 2023
  74. Ofsted Inspection Letter to Parents
  75. Nyewood CE Infant School Ofsted Inspection Letter October 2023 1
  76. Nyewood CE Infant School Ofsted Inspection Letter October 2023
  77. Parent Consultations Letter October 2023
  78. Conversion to Academy Status Consultation Letter September 2023 - Final
  79. Headteacher Welcome Letter September 2023
  80. Summer Fair Outcome July 2023
  81. Parent Consent Letter 2023-24
  82. Nyewood Reads Newsletter 3
  83. How to Consent for Flu Vaccinations
  84. HAF Flyer